At the end of the 5th Anniversary Online Live, SUPER★DRAGON unveiled a special announcement that they will release their first mini album on December 23rd, 2020! Immediately following the concert, a news release was posted on their official website. The news release begins by reflecting on the challenges the group has faced this year in light of the cancellation of their spring tour Nine Dragons’ Territory and the weight of continuing the connection to the fans through this time of restrained contact.

The mini album features the self-titled song “SUPER★DRAGON,” as well as “SAMURAI” and “Burning in the nights,” which were both gifted by highly esteemed producers in Japan who boast contributions to both the Japanese and global music scene respectively.

The regular edition will include the aforementioned three songs along with two new songs. In addition to this version, a “limited box” set version will be sold including the mini album along with a special bonus track “BROTHERHOOD (2020 VERSION),” a Blu ray disc with footage from their July online concert SECRET BASE reworked into “live music video” versions of all the songs performed at the live, and a special 60 page zine-style booklet. 

As the release date draws near, more details will surely be announced about the upcoming release! We will try to bring further information to international fans about the upcoming album, as well as information on where to purchase from overseas.

Thanks for supporting SUPER★DRAGON into their 6th year and beyond!



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