SUPER★DRAGON’s new song, “Burning in the nights,” has managed to place first in LINE Music’s weekly music rankings. This marks the first ever time since the group’s formation that they have managed to take the weekly #1 spot!

To share their reactions to this meaningful moment with us, each member left a comment on the official homepage on the morning of September 30th. You can read our translation of the comments below!

Thanks for supporting SUPER★DRAGON! With your love, they’re reaching higher and higher than ever before!



Reo’s Comment


“I’m so happy we’ve got our first #1! Thank you so much! This song ‘Burning in the nights’ is intermingled with our own feelings so heavily, I guess one could say it’s a song which represents our core selves. For that kind of personal song to be received so well, I have nothing but deep gratitude. We’ll be the ‘nine dragons rising’ as we enter our 6th year, so enjoy what we have to show you next!”


Tsuyoshi’s Comment


“To be considered ‘#1’ in any capacity always brings me great happiness, of course, but ‘Weekly #1’ is something particularly special to us. I’m thankful from the bottom of my heart. This song marks the entry into a previously unseen world for us, and we consider it to be representative of what we believe. From here on out, please keep giving your love to us!”


Jean’s Comment


“Weekly 1 thx!!”

“I’ll always remember this! For a song intermingled with our own feelings to be received so well, I’m ‘Happiness MAX!’ From here, we’ll be hitting the ground running so please look out for what we have in store next. Once again, I love you everyone!”


Hayate’s Comment


“Right at this turning point of our 5th Anniversary, I’ve gotten to receive the most wonderful birthday present ever given by our song being given the weekly #1 spot. This is another one of those moments where I can feel all the love that has been wrapped around us like a warm blanket. From this point and onward, I’d like to solidify that bond of love with music in which you can share in our emotions and in the performances we work to show you.”


Sougo’s Comment


“Thank you so much for getting “Burning in the nights” to weekly #1! For a song that marks our 5 year turning point and is filled with our own selves to be considered worthy of such a position, I am honored. From here until the 6th, 7th year, we’ll be racing toward the future with this song in our memory! Thanks for sticking with us from here on out as well!”


Koki’s Comment


“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making ‘Burning in the nights’ weekly #1. The five years of time we’ve devoted to this so far, we poured into this song. For this one little song to achieve the dream of ranking weekly #1, I’m very happy. Into our 6th year we will continue to plunge forward, we are very grateful for the amount of time you have given us and ask for your continued support.”


Hyoma’s Comment


“The song ‘Burning in the nights’ is something we participated in ourselves from birth to fruition. Along with feelings of pride that our work could achieve #1, I’m filled with gratitude towards everyone who listened to our song. In our 6th year, we’re going to keep aiming higher and higher so please stick around to see what’s in store.”


Tomoya’s Comment


“‘Burning in the nights’ has reached weekly #1, thank you so much. That we could receive this position with this song is nothing short of magnificent. But sharing with us in this great moment is all the people who gave their love to this song. For that, I’m nothing short of extremely grateful! We’ll definitely be running around recklessly in our 6th year as well, so please stick with us and see what happens!”


Raku’s Comment


“Weekly #1! Wow, thank you! We were finally able to seize the weekly #1 position. I’m happy that we could do this at our 5-year turning point with this new concept. Please make sure to keep listening to ‘Burning in the nights’ which is saturated with the thoughts and feelings of all 9 of us. And please join us in our sixth year as well as we see what happens next!”




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