Finally, the details for SUPER★DRAGON’s 5th Anniversary Live Concert have been announced! It has been revealed that the concert will be another online live, and this this time the broadcast will be held on the Japanese streaming platform NICONICO. 

Since NICONICO has been popular with overseas fans of Japanese entertainment, the registration and subscription process is available in English! Good news for international fans ?

The live will be broadcasted in two segments. The first segment, broadcasting at 12:00 PM JST on September 27th, 2020, is titled “PARTY -Lunch Time-” and will contain fun games and talk segments so that fans can enjoy a cheerful fanmeeting-like atmosphere with SUPER★DRAGON. The second segment, broadcasting at 18:00 PM JST on September 27th, 2020, is titled “CEREMONY -Dinner Time-.” The second segment promises that it will show a spectacular live that encompasses the essence of the group SUPER★DRAGON over the course of these five years.

Check the time and pricing information for each live segment below.




In order to best enjoy the 5th Anniversary live series, we do recommend fans to purchase a NICONICO premium subscription (550 JPY per month). Payment for the subscription is accepted via Paypal as well as foreign card that is processed through Paypal. Although there is difficulty in using the unique method of payment, as well as remembering to discontinue the subscription if you no longer wish to use the service, we at Nine Dragons feel that the investment is worthy when it comes to this event.

The first reason is that the second live segment, CEREMONY, is accessible by NICONICO premium subscription only. If you are a NICONICO premium subscriber, then you can watch CEREMONY at no extra cost.

The second reason we recommend the subscription is that you can receive the benefit of a discounted price on the ticket for the first live, PARTY. The cost of the premium subscription and PARTY ticket is 2950 JPY, similar to the cost of the non-premium PARTY ticket alone, but you will get two concerts for the price that you would otherwise pay for just one!

SUPER★DRAGON fans who are following a strict budget will be happy to know that the purchase of a PARTY ticket is not required to view the CEREMONY live! If you are interested in only watching the evening CEREMONY live, you can do so at the cost of one month’s premium subscription.



PARTY -Lunch Time-

Broadcast Time (JST) 2020/09/27 at 12:00 PM


Ticket Price 3000 JPY (Non-Premium) / 2400 JPY (Premium)


Link to Stream



CEREMONY -Dinner Time-

Broadcast Time (JST) 2020/09/27 at 18:00 PM


Ticket Price Free with Premium Subscription


Link to Stream



[UPDATE 09/24] About the Timeshift feature


For premium NICONICO subscribers, a “timeshift” feature is available for the convenience of those who may not be able to watch a live broadcast at the scheduled airing time. However, the timeshift feature is also available for any who have already watched the broadcast live, and would like to re-watch during a personally scheduled time. Unlike the previous online lives of SUPER★DRAGON, NICONICO does not host an “archived” video of live broadcasts to view at any time. The timeshift feature is the closest thing to an archive system that is available. Since we bring news of SUPER★DRAGON to international fans living in different time zones, we thought it relevant to explain this feature in detail so that everyone can enjoy the show!

To use the timeshift feature, you must select the broadcast you have joined from the list on this page. As we will explain below, the timeshift is somewhat different to an archive in that it is not readily available at all times and is primarily designed for a single re-watching of the live broadcast.

IMPORTANT: On this page, there will be an expiration date listed for broadcasts which have already aired. This date indicates the amount of time you have to use the timeshift feature. After this time has passed, you will no longer be able to use the timeshift feature for that broadcast. Note that this date indicates how long you can use timeshift for, not how long a timeshift broadcast is available to watch after activation.

IMPORTANT: After you click “Watch,” NICONICO will activate your timeshift. From that time, you have just 24 hours to watch the timeshift video. For that reason, we highly recommend you to only click “Watch” when you are absolutely sure you can finish the entire broadcast. As well, you are only able to use the timeshift feature once per video. This is another reason we recommend fans to use their timeshift wisely!

Some information has been compiled with the help of other fans’ experiences and may not be up to date. Please mention us on twitter @ninedragons_net if there are any other questions or problems that arise and we will try to help as much as we can!














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