On the pre-concert broadcast on September 19th, SUPER★DRAGON announced that an additional broadcast will be hosted on the NICONICO streaming service for premium subscribers on October 17th, 2020. In the broadcast, you can join the members in a special re-watching of the concert along with listening to their commemorative report on the concert. The talks will likely be filled with behind-the-scenes moments and other special memories for fans to enjoy!




The post-concert report broadcast is available for NICONICO premium subscribers only. For premium subscribers, there is no additional cost to watch the stream. For additional details about premium membership, please see our post about the 5th anniversary concert here.

Please understand special conditions in regard to premium membership and the monthly fee. NICONICO’s terms of use state that billing for premium membership is processed on the first day of each month. This means that, regardless of when you signed up for service in September, premium subscribers will be billed for a second consecutive month on October 1st. Therefore, fans who became premium subscribers in September to watch the 5th anniversary live will need to continue their subscription through a second billing period in order to watch the post-concert report.

Additionally, NICONICO’s terms of use state that, upon cancellation of premium membership, all associated benefits will be immediately revoked regardless of subscription or billing dates. If you cancel your premium membership before the post-concert report broadcast airs live, you will not be able to access the broadcast as you will no longer be considered a premium member.

Since we at Nine Dragons do not have personal experience, we will only relay what NICONICO states to be true so that SUPER★DRAGON’s fans can avoid unfortunate surprises. As always, your own experience may vary!



5th Anniversary Post-Concert Report (Official Title TBD)

Broadcast Time (JST) 2020/10/17 at 19:00 PM


Ticket Price Free with Premium Subscription


Link to Stream



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