Keikyu Corporation, the Japanese train company which operates the Keikyu line going between Haneda Airport and the city of Tokyo, has announced that they are looking for a new station melody for the Airport train station! Applications were opened on the Keikyu website September 1st, and will be accepted until September 13th.

Whether you’re a fan living in Japan or abroad, any SUPER★DRAGON fan should know that we have a Japanese train lover among our ranks, and we think it would make Sougo ecstatic if SUPER★DRAGON’s music would be used as the new station melody. And what song would be more appropriate as a station melody than SUPER★DRAGON’s upbeat and cheerful song Ame Nochi Hare? The station melody will be chosen from applications submitted by the public, so, with the help of SUPER★DRAGON fans both in Japan and abroad, we may be able to make Sougo’s dream come true!

The application is in Japanese, so we have compiled a small tutorial for those who may be inhibited by the language barrier. Please apply, and ask your friends to apply as well! Let’s support SUPER★DRAGON and Sougo by allowing more people to hear their wonderful music!



Start Here!




Make Ame Nochi Hare the new station melody!

(Click the screenshots to view in fullsize.)


Click the button we highlighted below on the application page.



Click the highlighted button to start the application.



In the first blank, put SUPER★DRAGON as the artist’s name and click next. For quick input, you can copy and paste the text below:




On the next page, put the Japanese title of Ame Nochi Hare as the song’s name and click next. For quick input, copy and paste the text below:




On this page, the application asks the reason you are requesting this song. Feel free to write your own reason! If you are not sure what to say, or would like to submit a message in Japanese, please copy and paste the text below:




Click submit, and you should see a page like this. This confirms you have submitted the application successfully!



You can submit multiple applications if you like, but please keep in mind that we are trying to limit our request to Ame Nochi Hare in order to make a stronger impression on the station staff.

Thank you for supporting SUPER★DRAGON! ?





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