SUPER★DRAGON’S Koki has appeared in a new drama that is streaming on Netflix Japan and airing on TBS this summer! The show, which chronicles the lives of a failing host club and the members within it, features Koki as Mamoru Gyouda. Mamoru is the representation of good looks within the struggling hosts with a style inspired by Kabuki-cho in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
In the first episode, we see Mamoru interact with Yurika, the female lead of the show. Yurika comes to host club Eichi in order to rescue the failing business. Koki’s character seems to embody all the attitude and charm he is known for on the SUPER★DRAGON stage, and we can’t wait to see how Mamoru will develop for the rest of the show!
Currently, Saitama no Host is only available in Netflix in the Japan region. The show is set to air on TBS later this month and also stars Ae! Group’s Taisei Fukumoto and Chihiro Yamamoto. We can’t wait to see a worldwide release! In the meantime, keep checking for the English subtitled release by 9D Subs coming soon!
🎎#埼玉のホスト オフショット📸
あの人が…🧸あんなことに….😣地上波では、今夜深夜25:00から第2話放送です‼️#TVer では第1話無料配信中❗️#タマホ#毎週火曜はタマホの日#休憩中も俺様マモル#ねこにゃん#田中洸希
— 『からかい上手の高木さん』【ドラマストリーム公式】 (@drama_streamtbs) August 1, 2023