Tsuyoshi Furukawa from SUPER★DRAGON has been announced to appear as a guest model at Tokyo Girls Collection Autumn/Winter 2020 on September 5th, 2020. The event is announced to be held both in person, at Saitama Super Arena, and as a live broadcast on LINE LIVE. Tsuyoshi is the only member of SUPER★DRAGON who is scheduled to appear at the time of writing.

More information about the event can be found on the event webpage. Currently, the website is only available in Japanese.

Tokyo Girls Collection is a semiannual fashion show showcasing the latest streetwear designs from a wide variety of domestic brands. Every year, Tokyo Girls Collection, sometimes referred to as TGC, invites several artists and other industry talents to be guest models for the various collections.

Tsuyoshi first appeared as a guest model for Tokyo Girls Collection in their 2017 Autumn/Winter show.  Let’s cheer for him this year too as he makes a return appearance!

To watch the show on LINE LIVE, all you need to do is add Tokyo Girls Collection as a LINE Friend. Tap “Add LINE Friends via QR Code” in your LINE account, then use your smartphone to scan the QR Code in the gallery below. The broadcast is available to view worldwide.


UPDATE 2020/08/17


The staff of Tokyo Girls Collection announced that, in cooperation with the Japanese government’s recommendations in regard to COVID-19, the originally announced plan to include a live audience at Saitama Super Arena for Tokyo Girls Collection 2020 Autumn/Winter has been cancelled. All who have purchased tickets for the event will have their ticket cancelled and payment refunded.

The live broadcast on LINE LIVE will still continue as scheduled.










Tokyo Girls Collection A/W 2020 - Add by QR Code




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