On November 20th, 2020, the FAKE MOTION -King of Ping Pong- twitter posted news regarding the upcoming season 2 of the series that will premiere in Japan on January 20th, 2021. The second season, titled “FAKE MOTION -Just One Wish-” (official title subject to change), will feature a story centered on returning character and Hachioji team member Hijikata Toshiki (played by former M!LK member and current Stardust actor Itagaki Mizuki) and introducing three new rival teams from the West Japan city of Osaka. The official homepage news release promises that the Tokyo versus Osaka battle will be a fierce test of the dreams and unbreakable bonds between characters!

SUPER★DRAGON members Furukawa Tsuyoshi, Tanaka Koki, Jean Kaito, and Ikeda Hyoma will reprise their season 1 roles. In addition, Shimura Reo will join the cast as a member of the Shingenmyouou High School team. The season 2 cast will feature other EBiDAN idols from groups One N Only and Genjibu, increasing attention and interest in the franchise.

We have translated the synopsis from the season 2 webpage below for those who are interested in a recap of season 1 as well as a preview of the upcoming story! In addition, you can see the promotional images for SUPER★DRAGON cast members in the gallery below. Let’s look forward to another season with Ebi High and the gang!


FAKE MOTION Season 2: Prologue


translation by nine dragons


“The Warring Period of Ping Pong”


The masses were drowning in the incessant boom of ping pong. When measuring the worth of a mere student’s life, your academic integrity or physical strength had no place here. It all came down to ping pong! As if it were the civil war of the modern era, a fierce battle raged between the ping pong teams of Japan in a fight for glory. Above the war torn land ruled the ruthless champions, Satsukawa University Shibuya High School.

Many a school challenged Satsukawa to an overthrow of their reign, only to crumble at their feet in defeat. Under the championship caste system, there was no justice. Schools who were not under Satsukawa’s reign were considered no man’s territory. It was the same as saying that they aren’t even a high school.

There was just one school who would dare to put an end to this era…to volunteer to be the challenger everyone needed to end the cruelty of Satsukawa: Ebisu Nagato Campus High School. Or, as they came to be known: ‘Ebi High.’


“I swear that I will put an end to the madness in this world…”


The Ebi High captain Matsukage Hisashi scouted the ping pong savant Takasugi Ritsu, who then joined the Ebi High team. The fierce rivalry between Ritsu and the team ace Katsura Kotaro deepened with the melancholy history shared between them as childhood best friends. Through their love of ping pong, the ties that bound the two tightly became the foundation of the team’s strengthened unity. The renewed Ebi High successfully overthrew the kings Satsukawa, and peace should have been restored upon all of the land.

It seemed like Ebi High managed to achieve their dream of freeing the souls of youth who had been chained by the cruel reign of ping pong.


Six Months Later…


Tokyo Metropolitan South Hachioji Technical High School captain Kondo Isami leads the team against Osaka’s Tenkafubu Gakuen, but winds up defeated. To the losing Hachioji, the leader of Tenkafubu makes a declaration: “We are coming for Ebi High; we are coming for every school in Tokyo. We will eradicate every team until all come to obey the rule of Tenkafubu.”

In front of the eyes of Hachioji team player Hijikata Toshiki, who loves Kondo Isami as one loves their “mother,” Kondo is violently punished by the Tenkafubu team. Upon witnessing the brutal cruelty, Toshiki vows revenge on Tenkafubu for hurting the family which Hachioji created for themselves to aim for happiness in their personal tales of need and loss.

“You’d be only so lucky to die for your little ‘mother,'” taunts Tenkafubu captain Oda.

Toshiki’s desperation for revenge leads him to call upon the assistance of his formal rivals, Ebi High team members Inoue Monta and Itou Shunsuke. Through the friendship bonds that were formed by the shared desire to protect the youth from losing their innocence, the teams once again resolve to fight together.

When they are joined in the battle by the former Tenkafubu team ace in a surprising twist, the battle grows more intense.

From the mouth of former ace Akechi, the missing pieces to the puzzle slowly begin to fall into place.

What caused Tenkafubu to oust their team ace? What caused captain Oda to lose his humanity and fall into an evil bloodthirst for relentless power?

But more importantly, can Ebi High and their precious friends overthrow Tenkafubu and protect the youth of Tokyo and beyond?



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[Gallery] Drama Poster



[Gallery] Character Promotional Images









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