2022 Year End Survey Results


About the Survey

We at Nine Dragons have run a 2022 Year End SUPER★DRAGON Survey. The survey was inspired by a Japanese fan’s survey that she conducts every year regarding general interest in SUPER★DRAGON among other fan related activities related to the group. If you’re interested in that survey, it is conducted by ym_koki on Twitter [JAPANESE ONLY] and is viewable here.
Our survey is intended to gather general answers and the main goal was to see people’s song preferences for this year’s continuous release project!


Survey Results

To begin, our first question asked about the age group of our participants, a question which 33 out of the 34 total respondents chose to answer.

Pie chart detailing the age range of the participants.

The results seem evenly split between the 10-20 and 21-30 age ranges, which form a whopping 94% of responses when put together.

The next question was about favourite members, and the majority of respondents picked more than one option. Here are the results:

Tsuyoshi was the most selected member, followed by Hyoma and Koki.

While most respondents picked more than one member as their favourite, some of the responses only chose one of the offered options. In those cases, the results were as follows:

Koki and Tsuyoshi were tied as the most popular choice among respondents who only picked a single favourite members. Additionally, about 9% of the respondents (three people in total) stated that they liked every member the same.

For our next question, we asked our followers for a self-evaluation of their Japanese language fluency. When asked if they felt like they knew enough Japanese to properly understand SUPER★DRAGON’s content respondents could answer yes or no, as well as another more “in the middle” option which was “Kind of”. 

While less than 15% responded that they felt their knowledge of Japanese was adequate, the overwhelming majority settled for the “Kind of” option. It is interesting to see that many of SUPER★DRAGON’s fans outside of Japan seem to know at least a basic level of Japanese. 

Nevertheless, around 25% did not feel that they knew enough Japanese to properly understand the content involving the boys. Taking this into account, we will continue to work hard and release translations so that fans may follow SUPER★DRAGON and enjoy their content regardless of their abilities in Japanese!

The next question asked which continent respondents live in.

Most of the respondents, that being almost 71%, are from a country in Asia. North America follows at about 24%, and finally Europe at 6%.

When we asked for the year in which our followers became a fan of SUPER★DRAGON, we received varied responses. They range from all the way prior to SUPER★DRAGON making their debut, to this year in 2022.

The year that was the most picked by respondents was 2019, which was quite the busy year for SUPER★DRAGON. That year marked the release of their second and third albums – 2nd Emotion and 3rd Identity – as well as the TRIANGLE albums.

Next, the question about their monthly release project.

The most popular song was Brand New Music, followed by So Woo in second place and Hey, Girl in third.

As for favourite albums, the results were as follows:

Over half of the respondents picked 2nd Emotion as their favourite album, with this year’s Force to Forth coming in second place.

Throughout their albums and this year’s continuous song releases, the members of SUPER★DRAGON challenged different musical genres. In relation to this, our survey’s next question asked for our followers’ preferred genres of music – once again allowing for multiple choices in a single response.

Respondents show a preference for pop (present in 77% of answers) and rock (present in 68% of answers), but we were delighted to see that every option received at least some responses. Some of our followers even specified sub-genres of music such as city pop, cloud rap and metalcore.

For the last two questions, we decided to look at people’s groups of interest other than SUPER★DRAGON. The first part focused solely on EBiDAN affiliated groups (multiple answers were allowed).

The majority of the people who responded to our survey also expressed interest in other EBiDAN groups (this was the case for 76% of respondents). Within EBiDAN, it seems Genin Wa Jibun Ni Aru. is the most popular with our survey’s respondents, followed by M!LK in very close second.

The second part was a little broader and asked for Japanese groups outside of EBiDAN.

While 35% of respondents said they did not follow Japanese groups outside of SUPER★DRAGON and EBiDAN, it seems EXILE and Johnny’s affiliated groups were the most popular choices for people who did follow other groups. Many also chose to include a group of their choice that was not listed in our survey, with JO1 and THE SUPER FRUIT coming up in several of the responses. 



All in all, it was interesting to see the results from all of you! We will conduct the survey again (with different questions and some adjustments) in 2023 and hopefully receive even more responses! We also hope all of you find the data interesting and can continue supporting SUPER★DRAGON throughout 2023 as well.


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